Monday, April 06, 2009

for you.. and only you

the past few weeks to me.. have been like a dream.. :) i want to share this song with u.. read between the lines.. they will tell you more than what u see ;)

Never Had A Dream Come True - S Club 7

yeah you probably might ask yourself.... dream.. ? what dream..? did anything fantastic happen.. ? my answer is yeah.. alot of fantastic things happenned... going out.. msging u thru the day..talkin at nights.. pretty normal and simple stuffs for most people..i guess.. but something ive only until recently been hopin for.. and the fantastic thing about it is the joy it brings me.. the contentment..

Everybody's got something
They had to leave behind
One regret from yesterday
That just seems to grow with time
There's no use looking back or wondering
How it could be now or might have been
All this, I know, but still I cant find ways to let you go

its amazing how life fades into the background and time accelerates when i msg u thru the day.. talk at night.. i used to dread going to camp each day.. wondering how much hell and rubbish i was going to take that day.. lookin at the clock slowly tick the seconds away thru the day.. lookin up.. noting the time.. only to look up what seemed like an eternity later and realise that only 7 minutes have passed.. but now these thoughts dont even cross my mind.. i dont dread going to camp.. i dont wonder how much rubbish i was going to have to tolerate that day.. coz all i think about is you.. wondering what ur doing.. how ur feeling.. lookin forward to that predictable timing of 8.02am when you would wake up and reply me.. your first msg to me for the day..

I never had a dream come true
'Til the day that I found you
Even though, I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I've never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you

i dont believe its possible to express in words the joy i feel about life now.. the life with u a lil closer to me.. i know there are certain things that set us apart.. our diff characters.. our diff ideals.. but you know.. honestly.. i think the greatest thing that stands in our way is love itself... i know i love you.. i loved you for close to 4 years now.. ive had distractions along the way.. but all these distractions have served to convince me that my feelings for you were real.. that im not just having a crush on u...i cant say for sure what attracts me to you.. a deeper feeling.. a subconscious desire.. your character.. your ideals.. your mindset.. it all blends together to make you.. a special you..

Somewhere in my memory
I've lost all sense of time
And tomorrow could never be
Cos yesterday is all that fills my mind
There's no use looking back or wondering
How it should be now or might have been
All this, I know, but still I cant find ways to let you go

every now and then.. you keep telling me how bad u are.. how horrible u are.. and that we will never be together... u tell me im blind.. but as ive told you.. no one is perfect.. everyone has flaws... love is the prism through which the view of our partner becomes perfect.. plus... flaws are not always flaws... flaws.. to me.. are just particular character traits that define who you are..
you know why i say the greatest thing that stands in our way is love itself.. ? because of what love can do.. and the lack of it.. you talk of obstacles.. but realli.. none of these so-called obstacles would be called obstacles if love was present would it? it would just be challenges to be overcomed.. a lil thing that we just got to find a solution for.. a compromise.. i love you.. and thats how i view the many different points you have raised about yourself.. just as stuffs that we got to find a solution to.. i dont see any obstacle that cant be overcomed in my journey thru life.. with you hopefully by my side... the only question is.. do you love me as i do love you..?

I never had a dream come true
'Til the day that I found you
Even though, I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I've never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be

im not gonna rush.. not gonna ask u to be my galfriend.. to be my wife.. coz i dont know how u feel about me.. if there even is a love thats more than friends.. i want you though.. id like to spend the rest of my life with u and no one else.. ill wait for u.. as long as it takes.. hopefully one day ill hear from you the words i yearn to.. i aware.. i may never hear them.. nevertheless.. my feelings for you will always remain.. love cant be forced.. and i accept that fact of life.. that sometimes we cant have everything we want.. i want you to know that ill always be here for you.. always be here to hear offer you my shoulder to cry on.. i pray that heaven and angels exist.. and i pray that ill be given a chance by God to watch after you even after im physically gone..

You'll always be the dream that fills my head
Yes, you will, say you will, you know you will, oh baby
You'll always be the one I know I'll never forget
There's no use looking back or wondering
Because love is a strange and funny thing
No matter how I try and try I just can't say goodbye
No, no, no, no

we read of people..couples.. who can gaze at each other forever.. and not get bored.. who simply enjoy each others company.. i used to wonder.. if that were true.. i now know.. it is true.. just gazing at you last saturday fills me with a sense of contentment.. a peace.. a joy.. it makes me feel as if nothing else mattered.. i wish that moment would last forever..

u know.. everytime when we are out.. i have this urge.. this desire.. to just hold u...

I never had a dream come true
'Til the day that I found you
Even though, I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I've never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you....

im actually very scared of losing u... i hope i never do.. even though u said ur friends will always matter to u.. i know that if u get together with another guy.. things will definitely change between us... ill lose a part of you.. for sure.. i just hope.. that should that happen.. i will still have the strength to continue loving stand by you.. to declare the fact.. that i still love u.. please remember.. no matter what i say or do.. no matter what you think.. always remember that deep down in my heart.. my feelings for u remain..

i will take care of you.. and pamper you.. and spoil much as i can.... i love u.