Saturday, September 08, 2007

my life in TP...

what can i say.. my poly lifes crap.. filled with misunderstandings.. and dumb ppl.. (tho the people mentioned sucked..i shall not reveal their real names to give them what little face they deserve.. if u wanna know their real names. ask gladly tell u providing ur reason is satisfactory :P)

let me start with year1.. hmmz in year1 i was stuck with the same class for a whole year..the first few weeks were ok.. my classmates and i joked and crapped around alot.. we played games together.. was close to 2 guys.. chris and dahong..

then the nonsense started..

there was one time we wanted to go have lunch.. this bloody malay guy insisted on going engineering.. we all know engine food is the worst in tp.. so i told him dun wan.. he kept insisting engine engine.. i got so irrirated when i asked him why and he wont tell me..just continued insisting like a small kid and got sulky.. i relented.. but he started ignoring me.. i was like.. wtf? ... tt bugger didnt talk to me since tt time.. i later found out tt ok he wanted engine coz engine had halal food.. right.. so why cant he tell me at first so i would have gracefully gave way ? blah.. so now im da bad guy all because he didnt tell me and i had no idea about his food preferences.. how unreasonable can tt lil bugger be.. blaming me for something which i had no idea about.. ok i know some of u might say..i shd have been more sensitive to his dietary needs..but hey.. how am i suppossed to know about what food is there in TP.. im still a year1 freshmen so how would i know engine was one of those places with halal food ? and what food he can or cannot eat.. ? blah.. dumbass..

with work came projects.. yeah i know i said my classmates joked and crapped around alot..but hey.. its fun to joke and crap around but for projects must be a lil more serious rite ? i want to do well for my results man.. im not like the others..wanna pass can already..which i found out is the damn childish mentality of 99.9999999999 PERCENT of TEMASEK SCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY !! one day..i got so pissed off at their crapping around i scolded a guy childish.. u know wads the ironic thing.. hes 2 or 3 years older than me.. still behave like small kid.. i had enough of him.. ive got patience..but only for people i love.. im biased..yeah yeah..who isnt ? then the second cold war started..whoo.. very cold... blah..

thats 2 classmates down.. how many to go ? i dunnoe..

oh and yeah..had another guy.. always complain IT sch sucks.. dun wanna study..learn no point.. anyhow pass can liao.. so yeah..if he keep sayin all is he doing still in sch ? might as well leave .. as if tt heck-care mentality is damn cool ?

then there was this gal..medusa..god i dont know wtf is her damn problem.. for some reason shes been hating me from year1 all the way till now.. and i bet its gonna carry on till i die.. seriously.. ive tried finding out why..but no one seems to freaking know(or dun wanna say).. ive never even talked to her or done anything to her.. and shes like dao-ing me.. ? crazy girl..

time passed and i started drifting away from the rest of my class because of a clash of interests and ideals.. thankfully..i still had chris and dahong.. until chris dropped out of school to pursue other stuffs.. tt guy just left sch without a word.. we later found out he left to train gunbound -_-.. oh well.. at least he won a championship.. hmmph..

year2 semester 1 was when all the shit started flyin all over da place..

i got grouped with this dam ah-lian.. devil in disguise.. i was like..oh shiet.. a little about this ah-lian.. ok shes popular.. coz always give sweets to others.. make stupid jokes bla bla bla.. and maybe coz she looks okok la..some guys would consider her pretty.. not me tho.. i see heart more.. and she definitely has a damn black one.. i love the colour black..but not black hearts..

so i didnt expect much of her after seeing her behaviour and attitude for myself..imagine to my surprise when she seemed serious about work.. i was pleasantly surprised when she even suggested a date when we could all combine our work in class.. so i thot..hmm maybe she aint so bad after all.. tt day came.. she didnt do her damn part.. she didnt even seem sorry about it.. and i certainly didnt consider "sorry la" to be sincere enough.. i gave her the cold shoulder..
wanna know wat this bitch did ? she went around telling everyone say i will throw her out of the group bla bla bla.. when all i did was give her the cold shoulder.. she even started acting so sweet around the other classmates to turn them against me.. she even cried crocodile tears.. what can i do ? she was a lil pretty to guys.. the innocent victim to girls.. she was the angel while i was the devil.. the silent devil.. i was just so frustrated i didnt bother talking whereas she went to gain support like nobodys business.. thats not all.. she even went around EXAGGERATING WHAT I DID AND EVEN SPREAD L.I.E.S ABOUT WE WHICH WERE NOT TRUE..damn tts the part tt pissed me off the most .. but still i kept quiet.. who would listen to me now tt shes gotten first blood by gaining supporters and acting the angel to them ?

which brings me to my next point.. i hate people who form impressions about others by listenin to other ppl.. take A.. A doesnt know B..but hears from C that B is an asshole.. so now A thinks tt B is an asshole too and spreads the word around.. how unfair is that to B.. when A blindly believes C and thinks B an asshole when B may be alrite? everyone is different and we gotta learn to accept differences.. what may make an asshole to you may be just a slight flaw to another..i despise people like A.. why cant A get to know B and find out the truth.. if what C said its true.. i despise those who blindly listen..

i promise myself id never form an unfavourable impression on anyone based on wat i hear. i promise to find out for myself e truth..

ok back to that bitch.. so now shes spread some shit about me.. she continued all thru the years in TP till even now.. so u can imagine.. most people in my school are like A.. and couple that with that deliciously scandalous rumors and lies about me.. u know wad shit im facing yea.. doesnt help that rumors never get better..only worse..

im damn disappointed with my fren dahong.. hes a nice guy..the only thing is tt hes so neutral..and to be honest..i dun like my frens to be too neutral..i want to be able to count on them to stand firmly on my yeah.. dahong.. was the only guy who knew the truth.. that i only gave her the cold shoulder and nothing else.. tt all the tales about me were just plain malicious lies..but he didnt wanna create he just kept qiuiet.. and let the lies spread and spread.. that was the thing tt realli made me sad...

year2 semester 2..

im just so damn suay.. i got teamed with this. i wont call her a girl la.. demoness..who only cares about her work.. projects have both group and individual portions.. i dont give a damn if she does her individual portion anyway she wants.. towards the end of the project.. the deadline.. i was in school mugging the project.. i havent done my individual part yet.. yes i procrastinate.. but u know whats the pissing thing about her ? she was at home..doing her damn OWN INDIVIDUAL PART while i was in school doing the GROUP part which she stands to earn marks for as well.. my individual wasnt even done yet.. yes as usual i got pissed and told her off.. she had the balls(yeah i know..dont tell me..shes got no just using it as a term) to tell me she was at home doing her individual part.. so yep again im da bad guy for scolding a poor innocent girl.. my asss.....

im an honest guy who believes in honesty so if u do something wrong or im unhappy with something id dam well tell u.. and its for ur own good too.. would u rather take the truth tho it hurts ? or sugar words tt are just plain bullshit ? id rather take the truth and i think ur a coward if u run away from the truth that hurts.. im straightforward and will come straight to da point so i dont waste any time.

i also had this guy..a lil idiot tt forever smiles but does nothing concrete.. know wad he does in lab when we are suppossed to code a program ? that bugger just does the graphical user interface of the program.. simple stuff of clicking and dragging textboxes and buttons.. and makes it look so nice.. with no code behind it at all.. joke rite ?for my project with this joker.. i had to do all the work.. sian.. but what can i do ? either i did it all or i let my own grades suffer..which i dun wan..

year3 sem 1.. thank bloody last sem of hell..

got teamed with another f-uped bitch.. who like the gal in year2 sem 2.. cared only for her work bla bla.. life wasnt tt bad at first.. coz we did a project tt didnt require much interaction.. but god it got worse.. and i always gotta keep a lookout in case she backstabs me..
in communication skills..we had this project.. propose a new product/service for the elderly.. that was part each of us proposed 1... part do was to do a business proposal on that product/service that we proposed.. dam hell she copied my idea coz hers was too dumb and already existed.. u know wads the fuming part ?? she did the proposal THEN told me she used my idea.. i was so pissed off but my lecturer said nvm she already did and our proposals are diff anyway -_-.. stupid lecturer yeah...

then something else.. i was late for one meeting coz i woke up late..i told her to postpone it.. she had no reason not to coz she had the whole day till a lesson in the late afternoon.. she bloody didnt postpone the meeting..instead..she went ahead.. did the simple work tt was suppossed to be done in tt meeting.. and tell lecturer she did ALL the work while i didnt even turn up for meeting.. made it seem as if it was my fault.. when all she did was put the content into powerpoint slides.. when I WAS THE ONE WHO CAME UP WITH THE CONTENT IN THE FIRST PLACE... tell me how can i not get pissed.. ?

and for my major this is one seriously screwed project.. i had 2 guys.. who were both good friends.. so i was kinda the extra here.. them being frens.. one of them became the leader.. how ironic when the leader got into some trouble with the courts and was non-existent from week 2 of the semester onwards.. leader huh.. so now the project team only had me and the other guy..the leader being dead in my books.. so now..with this guy.. all he does is claim he doesnt know what happen to the other guy.. and this guy.. also SMOKES.. hangs around with a group of mats and minahs.. yeah hes a mat too.. he doesnt tell me anything about what hes doing so i always gotta ask him wads up with his part of the work.. like its my responsiblilty to run after him and ask about his progress.. blah.. im so irritated by him.. oh and hes a classic actor.. acts the good guy infront of others..acts as if hes so caring blabla.. goodness if only they saw his real side..

sometimes i wished i could act in front of others as well as id be popular and well-liked by everyone..but then i think deeper and decide no..i will always want to be honest to people around me and not present to them a false side of me coz that is what i expect of others too..their true side..them to be honest to me.. even tho it means makin enemies..

so yeah.. conclusion..what ive learnt..
1) alot of people in IT sch are just shallow people .. just like A..
2) 1 liar can screw your reputation real good esp if the conditions are right (lots of A-type people)
3) lots of people in IT least my diploma.. are content with a mere pass.. which pisses me whenever it times to projects..coz to ensure tt i get a good grade.. i got to re-do or do all their shit for them.. which means i do all the work and they freeload the marks.. so dont blame me if i dont mince my words or sugar-coat them when i speak to them..
4) in this world..u work hard and screw the rest..when i say screw i mean dont care hor.. dont let them pull u down..
5) be true to urself and the people around u.. never tell lies..
6) there are alot more stuffs man..but not now.. some other time.. trust me..what uve read about above is just the tip of the iceberg..there are alot more events and incidents.. both good and bad.. haiz.. why does God put me thru all these trials..

life in TP has its good side too aint always tt bad :)

i met an angel at an event at the end of my year1 :) shes the one ur readin abt in all the previous posts..hahaz they are all dedicated to her.. i still love her... truly madly deeply.. sad to say.. i still havent got the courage to tell yeah.. im still single.. heh.. shes told me something which has kept me from sinking when life gets tough regarding my relationships with all the others in IT sch.. she told me in life.. you cant please everybody..

it sucks when i walk alone..but yep.. i cant please everybody.. and ive got some wonderful people still :)

plus i have a very special fren whom i treasure from my sec sch :)

plus i love my dear freshies in the 2 years tt ive been an OL (NOT Office Lady!) :)

plus ive met some realli good lecturers.. great guys.. whom have taught me more than academic skills.. i respect them and am grateful to have met them.. Mr Josh Liew da gaming club boss.. my careperson Mr Jet Lim.. Mr Liow.. who taught me for 2 sems..

plus my year3 group of fellow OLs ligers :)

plus meeting all my pri sch frens whom i have lost contact with for 4 years.. :)

everyone is different..special... so tell me whats normal? dont always go with the flow for the majority doesnt mean its right.. be honest.. ive learnt many lessons throughout my life in poly.. id like to write them all down but i think this post is already too long.. hehe.. till next time :)

if u can read this post means u have my so pls.. tell me how u feel after reading it.. whether u disagree or agree.. just tell me.. i wont take offence whenever someone tells me the truth abt how he/she feels..ill appreciate and be thankful for the feedback.. but i certainly will take offence if someone lies about me or withholds from me the truth.. i live by truth.. oh pls forgive me for the language used in some parts of this post.. i get pissed at times too and im no angel.. but whether im a devil or not ill leave tt to u to decide :P

till we meet again.. ;)